What an amazing night of Stargazing we had last Friday! With perfectly clear skies, our many visitors had a great chance to see the stars above Davidson. We must thank Kristen Thompson, Mario Belloni, and their students, of Davidson College, the Charlotte Amateur Astronomers’ Club, and other local astronomy clubs for bringing their telescopes, expertise and enthusiasm. Special thanks to Charlene Minor and the Town of Davidon. Finally, we could not have done it without a number of volunteers who helped with all the other details. Thank you so much everyone!
This was the first time in two years we had been able to have this event on it’s scheduled night, the previous events had been canceled because of weather. So, it was an exciting time for all. Thanks to all the astronomers who brought their telescopes and their knowledge many people were able to catch a glimpse of some amazing sights. Some of the sightings included The Pleiades, Ring Nebulae, Dumb bell Nebula, Double Clusters, Andromeda Galaxy, Double Stars, Binary Stars and more! Some things were visible with binoculars but many were only visible through a telescope. We had lots of telescopes provided by the astronomers at Davidson College and the Charlotte Amateur Astronomy Club.
Watch this site for the next opportunity for Stargazing at Fisher Farm!